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6-Week Transformational Breathwork course with the Psychedelic Map For Change


Why this course is unique

Most online self-improvement courses teach your mind ‘how to change’ - which you then may or may not do…in our course you will actually make the change and manifest it in your body - in the here-and-now! 

We combine cohort-based learning with guided breathwork, integration circles and step-by-step coaching tools on a visual Miro Board. The ratio of (16) participants to (4) practitioners is 4:1. Hence, you will build intimate relationships with us. The price even includes a 1:1 compassionate inquiry therapy session.


“It has been a unique experience for me to combine both an analytical framework and experiential breathwork. It created new insights for me that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.”

Christian Erhard, Executive Coach and Hero's Journey Facilitator



Join a group of conscious people to explore what stands between you and your greatest embodied potential.

in six weeks…

This six-week course uses the power of breathwork to transport you into altered states of consciousness where you get to explore yourself and the impact you have in this world – and the one you could have…

via Breathwork and the Psychedelic Map For Change…

We achieve this by anchoring the guided breathwork sessions onto the six realms of the Psychedelic Map for Change: you, your relationships, your role in organisation/s or communities, as well as your part in humanity, nature and the universe. In this process you get to explore and melt your various limiting beliefs, fears, traumas, and resistance.

with tangible results!

By the end of this 6-week journey, you could:

  • have changed a self-limiting belief

  • learned how to create more expanding relationships

  • taken a career-changing action

  • feel energised and motivated to change the things that don't serve you as an embodied leader, change catalyst, carer, practitioner, partner, parent, friend, citizen, consumer or just human being

  • have a few epiphanies on how everything is connected

  • have made meaningful friendships that outlast the course

16 December

A Breathwork Odyssey

14 January

Half-Day Breathwork Workshop